How Does Chiropractic help animals?

Any animal with a spine and nervous system needs chiropractic.

the demand for chiropractic, manual therapy, massage and alternative medicine is increasing among animal owners. This increase in alternative care for our animals parallels the trend worldwide with humans utilizing these services.

Human chiropractic has been about since at least 2700 B.C, However it is relatively new in the animal world. The origins stem from the founder of chiropractic, D.D. Palmer. Who performed chiropractic on his beloved carriage team “nip and Tuck”. Animal chiropractic training was formalized in the 1980’s as more animal owners requested services.

Chiropractic addresses vertebral subluxations in the spine and other joints in the body via the chiropractic adjustment. Subluxation, a term used to describe an abnormal motion or position of a joint causing nervous system interference. These functional, mechanical lesions lead to a variety of performance, behavioral and even dis-ease states.


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