Equine Chiropractic in Colorado

A client recently inquired about how I became licensed in Colorado.

It’s actually a great question. Colorado is one of only a few states to officially recognize animal chiropractors. In order to practice animal chiropractic in Colorado one must:

  1. Maintain a current human chiropractic license

  2. graduate from an accredited post graduate program in animal chiropractic (I completed a 200 hour program with the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association which requires pass ing written and practical national certified examinations)

  3. Take a 9 hour zoological infectious disease course and examination sanctioned by the state of Colorado.

Not an easy process! I love helping horses and their owners enjoy their best health and chiropractic is a natural part of the equation.

Official authorization to practice animal chiropractic in the state of Colorado


a great day in Carbondale